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Improving Student Learning Outcomes In Fractional Theme Using Discussion Method In Class V At Sd Negeri 076731 Teluk Limo, South Nias District

BERKATI LUGU (2023) Improving Student Learning Outcomes In Fractional Theme Using Discussion Method In Class V At Sd Negeri 076731 Teluk Limo, South Nias District. Karya Ilmiah thesis, Universitas Terbuka.

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This study aims to determine the application method discussion to increase students 'understanding of fractional material in grade V SD COUNTRY N o . 076731 Teluk Limo, PP BatuUtara District , Regency South Nias . This study uses process assessment, assessment of studentlearning outcomes and reflection on learning by the teacher. This research was conducted inelementary school COUNTRY N o . 076731 Teluk Limo, PP Batu Utara District Regency South Niasin Mathematics subject. The research subjects were 20 grade V students consisting of 9 boys and11 girls. When the research was conducted in April 2023 (starting from preparatory activities toimplementing actions). From the results of the study the authors made observations of 2 cycles,where at the pre-cycle stage only 8 (40%) students who complete learning. Seeing this fact, thewriter made learning improvements at the stage of cycle I. At this stage, the classicalcompleteness of student learning was 70%, which means that there were 14 students who wereincluded in the complete category, so that students could achieve the KKM score that had beenset, which was 85%, so the writer did improvement of learning in cycle II by using the discussionmethod and it turned out that satisfactory results were obtained for all 20 students who hadcompleted the expected KKM scores. For this reason, learning improvement research ends incycle II.

Item Type: Thesis (Karya Ilmiah)
Additional Information: 20231
Uncontrolled Keywords: Improving , Learning Outcomes , Mathematics
Subjects: Program Studi > 110 PGSD - S1
Divisions: Fakultas > Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP)
Depositing User: Karil Repository
Date Deposited: 11 Dec 2023 09:06
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2023 09:06

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