Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
ABSTRACTIn the garment industry, the word high quality itself is reflected not only in the neat stitches, but also in the quality of the fabric. And good quality fabrics are certainly desired by many people, including Quality Control (QC). Because it is known that this will make it easier for them, because good fabric does not require special handling and extra time. But here, what is happening is the intensity of the fabric defect in the form of shading due to the decline in fabric quality in contrast to the expectations of the Quality Control, which triggers complexity in the midst of demands for minimizing shading so that the total defect is below 1%. In order to resolve this case, the negotiation method was used which began with a push-push-pull technique to coordinate the length of time required. Then proceed with cooperative negotiation techniques to find common ground through the results of objective analysis and facts in the field so as to avoid futile actions that disfigure the image and avoid accusations of being reckless and neglectful of customer satisfaction for product quality. Then it ends with a win-win negotiation strategy (win-win) or also known as an integrative negotiation strategy which is based on kindness and peaceful profits so that a profit and business network is obtained for each party directly involved in efforts to minimize this defect shading.Keyword : Defect Fabric, Shading, Quality ControlABSTRAKDalam industri garmen, kata high quality itu sendiri tercermin tidak hanya dari hasil jahitan yang rapih, melainkan juga termasuk dengan kualitas kainnya. Dan kualitas kain yang bagus tentu diinginkan banyak orang, tak terkecuali dari pihak Quality Control-nya (QC). Sebab hal ini diketahui akan memudahkan mereka, karena fabric (kain) yang baik tidak memerlukan penanganan khusus dan waktu yang ekstra. Namun disini, yang terjadi adalah intensnya deffect fabric berupa shading karena menurunnya kualitas kain berbanding terbalik dengan harapan pihak Quality Control, dimana hal ini memicu kompleksitas ditengah tuntutan peminimalan shading agar total deffect-nya dibawah 1%. Guna penyelesaian kasus ini maka digunakan metode negosiasi yang diawali dengan teknik mengulur waktu (push-push-pull) untuk mengkoordinasikan lamanya waktu yang dibutuhkan. Kemudian dilanjutkan teknik negosiasi kooperatif untuk mencari common ground melalui hasil analisis obyektif dan fakta dilapangan sehingga terhindar dari tindakan sia-sia yang menjelekkan image serta terhindar dari tuduhan gegabah dan abai terhadap kepuasan customer atas kualitas produk. Lalu diakhiri dengan strategi negosiasi win-win (menang-menang) atau dikenal juga sebagai strategi integrative negotiation yang berlandaskan kebaikan dan keuntungan secara damai sehingga diperoleh suatu keuntungan profit dan jaringan bisnis bagi tiap pihak yang berhubungan langsung dalam upaya peminimalan deffect shading ini.Kata kunci : Deffect Fabric, Shading, Quality Control
Item Type: | Thesis (Karya Ilmiah) |
Additional Information: | 20231 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Keyword : Defect Fabric, Shading, Quality Control |
Subjects: | Program Studi > 51 Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis-S1 |
Divisions: | Fakultas > Fakultas Hukum, Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FHISIP) |
Depositing User: | Karil Repository |
Date Deposited: | 11 Dec 2023 09:04 |
Last Modified: | 11 Dec 2023 09:04 |
URI: | http://student-repository.ut.ac.id/id/eprint/1743 |